L C I - C Y B E R A R T S - Y E A R - F O U R


Hey cyberARTISTS and people who actually check my blog! I recently just made a new account. I hope I could keep this up and offer a lot more variety of artwork.

Click here to go see my new blog site.

My Facebook Graffiti Art for my 1 Year Anniversary

Okay, so October 8, 2009 was my 1 year anniversary with our very own Nemo from cyberARTS Lakeshore. I haven't put much thought into the words, as I've only had 2 hours to make this entire graffiti painting before it hit midnight. So bear with me! The hardest part would be her skin tone, the original picture was really pale due to the huge light source coming from her window. I made the skin tone a bit more brisk, although I don't think I made much of a difference. If I had more time on this piece, I think I would have just continue adding more detail in to every part of the painting, especially her lips. I would also take the time to make a more unique background like adding cherry blossoms in the back. I would also fix the crappy writing job on the greeting.

Click here to view full screen.


by Kero
Magazine Collage

Well, first of all, this is a romantic piece of art because of the emotion. Trying to find the right pieces to make a
sad face, I was lucky enough to find one in a magazine. The man's sorrow is towards his wife, who is currently
cheating on him with another man. The ribs that are coming out represents the feeling of your chest popping
out painfully when your heart is in pain. The eyes are set to the rules of thirds, as his eyes are looking towards
his wife. The movement moves in a diagonal direction. As it starts from the broken hearted man to the man his
wife is cheating on, to his wife. The red background represents frustration.

Thursday, Febuary 19, 2009.

Listening to Nujabes & Funky DL- If I had a Day to Live [ If I had a day to live... ]

Alrighty, I guess I should be updating my blog since I have nothing better to do. I don't know, there really isn't anything to say! Actually, I've got a lot to say, but it's not connected to anything artistic really, so it's just irrelevant. Well, there might be a lot of bad things about my life right now, but the things I've been experiencing this week kind of made me. . .motivated somehow? It's just that everything that went wrong the past years have finally lighten up. There was this HUGE dilemma with my good friend, and it's finally, I repeat, FINALLY normal between us. Ohhhh, yeah.

Anyways, I've decided to practice much more on my body proportions. I feel like I've gotten much worse! So, yeah, work work work. Anyways, thanks for reading. Later.

3rd Year CyberArtist

So yeah, I feel so much like a senior!
It's finally time to start updating this old thing, haha.
I'm here listening to softy asian music, as always. Hmmmm.
I think this year will be pretty interesting, because we have
a joint class with the 10s for tech. My goal for this year is to reach the 90s!
So wish me luck and I'll be updating as much as I can!